Important Information
In order to find the latest news and information regarding FoIKs (Foundation of Information and Knowledge Systems) please go to the current year's URL.

What is the Foundation of
Information and Knowledge System?
FoIKS is an event that occurs once every two years in order to allow reasearchers to come together and work on theoretical foundations of information systems and knowledge systems.
Their goal is to attract reserachers that work in the mathimatical field suchh as a mathematician, combinatorics, logistics, etc. that are interested in applying their theories.

Where Have Past Events Taken Place?
Wherever you are in the world, there is an opportunity to experience FoIKS because of the broad locations where the events are hosted.
- Budapest, Hungary
- Linz, Austria
- Bordeaux, France
- Kiel, Germany
- Sofia, Bulgaria
- Pisa, Italy
- Vienna, Austria
- Burg (Spreewald), Germany
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FoIKS Unofficial Resources